About Us
Passive Investment FX is a COMMERCIAL HUMAN RESOURCES mining company established in 2018. Our team has been involved with cryptocurrencies since the inception of different digital assets and has several years of experience in the field of mining cryptocurrencies. We’re absolutely unique and high-tech company, covering several most profitable and relevant business lines of various profitability at once. The main activity of the company is the development and operation of high-tech software and equipment used in various fields of medium- and high-profitable business operating through the Internet world network.

Why Choose Us
Our goal is to provide our investors with a reliable source of high income, while minimizing any possible risks and offering a high-quality service.
Passive Investment FX is a private, legally registered online investment company with the goal of earning the greatest profit possible from Foreign exchange trading. If this sounds like your ideal situation, and if you are considering entering the online investment marketing, we strongly recommend giving us here at Passive Investment FX; we are positive that you will be able to become a huge success in partnership with our company.

Free Access to Passive Investment FX Desktop
What you need to know about Crypto and Digital Assets
Everyone has access to our advanced and fully customizable desktop platform. You can consolidate your watchlists, analyze charts, place orders, and check your positions across all of Passive Investment FX ‘s platforms (mobile, PC, and web). Stay current with the markets and manage your investments wherever you are.
Crypto and Digital Assets
What you need to know about Crypto and Digital Assets
Cryptocurrencies and digital assets are fast emerging as a growth sector. Passive Investment FX offers risk management expertise with digital asset insurance, including cryptocurrency insurance to support firms operating in this complex and specialist sector

Our Belief
Empowered with better information, tools, services and opportunities
Individuals are an important part of the market and should not be ignored. They should be empowered with better information, tools, services, opportunities, and lower costs. Respecting the investor is respecting the market.
Technology is the investor’s best friend. It vastly expands the human’s trading capabilities in terms of time, scale, and technique. Technology is the future.

Blockchain Council Accreditation
Certified Blockchain & Finance Professional
Passive Investment FX Receives Universal Security Accreditation by the International Organization of Standardization and also a certified member of Blockchain Council
Digital Asset Trading Approval
Certified Blockchain & Finance Professional
An Investment business license, subject to the terms, conditions, restrictions or limitations set out in the Schedule
hereto, of the following category:
Dealing in Investments
Dealing as Principal
Arranging Deals in Investments

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What Is The Importance of Digitalization In Business Growth?
Digitization is an automation of manual and paper-based processes, empowered by the digitization of various information. Digitalizing an organization provides an advantage of doing
Commercial: What It Means in Business and the Financial Markets
What Is Commercial? Commercial relates to commerce or general business activity. In the investment field, the term commercial is used to refer to commercial trading or an entity

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